iCI Initiatives

iCI Nation Initiative - Kent County Chaplains Association!

At a 2021 iCI Lunch N Learn, Chaplains from 5 different Police Departments met for the first time. After this initial meeting they realized they wanted to stay connected. iCI Nation now coordinates monthly meetings for the chaplains to come together and share challenges, strategies and encouragement. The last meeting was held at Grace Christian University and it was great to see the cities and departments represented. ICi prioritizes connections like these because we believe it will strengthen the Chaplains which will strengthen the police and community they serve….which will Strengthen the City!

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10-10 Prayer Initiative

10-10 is the faith arm of the iCI Nation community. (the name comes from the GR Police code 10-10 for “fight in progress”)

We meet bi-monthly for prayer with a variety of West Michigan police departments. Click here for the Wyoming Police dept story.

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1st Responders Appreciation Picnic

2020 it started, and 2021 it continues…..Pastor Moses of Acts Gospel Ministry connects community and cops!

iCI makes sure the police, fire, EMTs and YOU are invited to his monthly luncheon that includes freshly grilled chicken and ribs - Food, fun and fellowship!

YOU ARE INVITED - our next luncheon is July 28!


Police Appreciation Program

Officer - “….It makes us better cops”

Chief-  “ There are no words to describe it!  No one hates us, yells at us, complains to us…they just want to say thank you.  It’s really unbelievable.”

Woman attendee –It’s nice to thank the police in person and see they’re real people.  I did not realize my appreciation would have such a big impact.”

iCI Nation facilitates police involvement for the annual “Thank You to Protectors” event hosted by Resurrection Life Church Women’s Impact group. 200 women from over 10 different churches unify to honor 60 officers from 18 different departments. And,

Each department receives a “Thank You to Our Protectors” banner which

YOU WILL BE INVITED to help me present! Stay Tuned!

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Police Faith & Blue Event

2020 Grand Rapids kicked off an annual Faith and Blue event www.faithandblue.org. This program aims at connecting Police and the Communities to serve together! iCI was there picking up trash and feasting after with our officers!

We will continue to partner with this event so stay tuned for fall 2021 dates!